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What's new for 2012?

What’s new for 2012?

The Gwinnett County Tax Assessor’s Office is gearing up for another busy tax year. Here’s what you need to know about the 2012 property tax process.


Submit your Tangible Personal Property Returns online

Property owners can now submit their Tangible Personal Property Tax Returns using the County’s new electronic eFile solution. Owners of boats, airplanes, and businesses having fixed assets and/or inventory are required to file an annual Tangible Personal Property Tax Return.


The tax returns for this year were mailed in mid-January to all owners of record. These returns may still be submitted via U.S. mail or in person. To file your Tangible Personal Property Tax Returns electronically, visit the Tax Assessor’s eFiling Tax Returns webpage.


Did you purchase property in 2011?

If you purchased property or have property that has had extensive repair, remodeling, damages, or a demolition in 2011, please file a Real Property Tax Return now through April 1. Filing a return will assist in verifying the property owner’s mailing address for future notices and assist in the valuation process by providing purchase price and market information.


Property owners can submit the returns electronically on the Filing Made Easy webpage. Many new property owners are simply scanning their Closing Statement (HUD-1 form) and e-mailing it as an attachment to the Tax Assessor’s Office. Please be aware that if you file a tax return that it does not constitute an appeal or dispute of your tax value. An appeal may only be filed after receiving a Notice of Current Assessment.


Notice of Current Assessments issued in April

The Tax Assessor’s office will begin issuing Notice of Current Assessments to commercial and residential property owners on Friday, April 6; please see below for scheduled dates for other notices. A copy of all of the notices will be posted on the Filing Made Easy webpage on the same date. The notice will state the proposed current value that will be used in the 2012 property tax process and at the bottom of the notice you’ll see an estimate of the 2012 tax amounts. These estimates are based on last year’s tax rates applied to the current value indicated on the notice and include adjustments for homestead exemptions filed before March 1.


Notice of Current Assessment distribution schedule

  • April 6 – 8: Commercial and residential real property
  • May 18: Tangible business personal property
  • June 8: Marine and aircraft personal property


How to file an appeal

Once you receive your Notice of Current Assessment, be sure to review the current value. If you wish to make an adjustment to the value, you must file an appeal within 45 days of the notice date. Specific instructions on how to appeal will be included on the notice. You can also find instructions, appeal forms, and market data on the Filing Made Easy webpage as the notices are issued.


Please note that you cannot file an appeal until the Annual Notice of Current Assessment is issued.


Where do your property taxes go?

You can see where all your tax dollars go by using the new Where your property taxes go tool on the County’s website. Just enter your address or the fair market value of a home to get a complete breakdown of how much per day – or per year – goes to various local government services.


About the Property Tax Almanac

The Property Tax Almanac provides information about the 2012 property tax process. Topics include: electronic filing of real property tax returns, issuance of Notices of Current Assessment, how to appeal, where to get e-forms and additional information, and tax billing and collection dates.


Spread the word

Be sure to forward this message to your family and friends in Gwinnett County so they can sign up to receive information on real property tax returns. They can sign up or update their e-mail newsletter profile at or by clicking here.


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