

Inflation and Interest Rates - Should You Buy a Home Now?

Between inflation, increased prices, and rising interest rates from the Federal Reserve, it can sound like doom and gloom is waiting for anyone searching for a new home these days. It has left a lot of homeowners asking, should you buy a home now or “wait it out” for a better rate? A look into the past and a quick projection into the future will show you, there’s a smart choice to be made right...

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Tax Advice You Don't Want to Miss

With every New Year brings us closer to something we all must do.....get our taxes prepared...yuck! I came across some really helpful information recently and thought you could use it as a guide for putting together the necessary paperwork for you and/or your tax-preparer. It may even help you find a deduction or credit you were not aware of. Taxes are complicated enough; we need all the help we can get. At least I know...

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