Overcoming Home Buying Obstacles

When considering buying a new home, the excitement of owning can sometimes be dampened by fear, uncertainty, and even disappointment. What can cause these feelings and how can you avoid them? For starters, not planning properly is probably the number one culprit. Let

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A Changing Real Estate Market

A new and costly rule called Qualified Residential Mortgage is being considered by federal regulators. If the proposal passes it would require home buyers to make at least a 20% down payment on a home purchase for the most affordable rates. Federal regulators have taken a law passed by Congress intended to prevent future banking collapses and turned it into an unintended penalty on home Buyers AND home Sellers.

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Sale Pending at Powder Creek

We are excited to announce yet another contract is pending at Powder Creek in West Cobb. Slated to close in late Summer, the Homebuyers are currently residents of Kennesaw and are eager to make the transition prior to the start of the new school year. Asked why Powder Creek and why in particular Powder Springs- their response was simple. They had been looking off and on for over two years and had not found such...

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Suwanee Day 2011

In the sought after town of Suwanee GA, the most anticipated event of the year is Suwanee Day. Held on September 17th this year, this popular festival will take place from 10am-10pm, and will expect to draw upwards of 40,000 people to Suwanee. The fun and excitement of Suwanee Day will kick off with a parade and will feature over 100 arts and crafts exhibitors, bounce houses, delicious food, and the annualfireworks show. There will...

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Growth is good to see!

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the City of Suwanee

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Baby Boomers Choose West Cobb

First came the kids, then the newlyweds, and next the first-time home buyers that were attracted to West Cobb County by reasonable housing prices and excellent schools. Now their parents are following in their footsteps and moving West. Drawn by the desire to participate in the active lives of their grandchildren, baby boomers are downsizing to Cobb County in increasing numbers and reaping many benefits in addition to family bonding. The Cobb County senior tax...

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Nationwide Open House this Weekend!

Tamra Wade & Partners will be participating in the REALTOR Nationwide Open House on June 4th and 5th. Please stop by one of our many Open Houses this weekend to see some of the best homes currently on the market. With interest rates around 4.5% right now, there has not been a better time to buy a new home in years! Please visit us at: Hanover Place in Alpharatta- call Belinda (404)234-3499 or Cameron (770)366-1915...

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The pool is now open at Hanover Place!

One of the greatest times of the year for the young and old alike, is the kick off to Summer. For most of us, Memorial Day weekend has been the marker for that event. Now that it is upon us, I am happy to report that the pool is open at Hanover Place in Alpharetta! [caption id="attachment_924" align="aligncenter" width="441"] Photo By[/caption] Our amenity package here at Hanover Place is second to none, with a...

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Thumbs up!

  With the overall changes in the market in the last few years, it is hard to know the kind of reaction that I will elicit when I tell people that I sell Real Estate for a living. I am always prepared for people to cringe or tell me that they feel sorry for me. Well, I am here to stay, and I will proudly tell anyone I meet that- "I love real estate. I...

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