News & Events

Sugar Hill- Be Aprart of History

Are you part of Sugar Hill’s History?? Sugar Hill was incorporated in 1939 and with the grand opening later this year of our new City Hall we want to celebrate the rich history of our town. We will be creating a historical display featuring photos, first person accounts, stories, documents and even tall tales about the place we call home. To do this we NEED YOUR HELP! Do you or any friends, relat…ives, or acquaintances have photos, documents or post cards that may reference Sugar Hill? So far we have found documents on Georgia Boot Manufacturing; identified some of the members of the Sugar Hill Elementary in the photo at right. Are you in the photo? We heard about the bowling alley on West Broad St. Did you work there? The photo on the right is a peach cannery in Sugar Hill. Did you work there? We will continue our research but if you can help or direct us in the right direction please contact Don Kelemen @ 770-945-6716

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