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Stuart Pro Air Services



Spring and warm weather are finally here. To bad the pollen has to come with the warm weather (that was a sneeze you just heard). I am sure your air conditioner has turned on by now since the pollen outside keeps you from keeping the windows open.


Did you have your air conditioner tuned up? To make sure you have an efficient cooling system and you are not wasting money, have your system checked annually. There are several things that can cause your system to decrease in efficiency.


Don’t forget to ‘Like’ our Facebook page to receive tips on saving money and energy efficiency. You never know, you could be the lucky winner of our FREE Service Call giveaway.


Be sure to check out the coupon at the bottom of the email and have a wonderful and safe spring.


Best Regards,


Shelley Burris

General Manager


Improve the Efficiency of Your

Air Conditioner


As much as half of the energy used in your home goes to heating and cooling. So making smart decisions about your home’s heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system can have a big effect on your utility bills – and your comfort. Take these steps to increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling system.


Change your air filter regularly

Check your filter every month, especially during heavy use months (winter and summer). If the filter looks dirty after a month, change it. At a minimum, change the filter every 3 months. A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool – wasting energy. A clean filter will also prevent dust and dirt from building up in the system – leading to expensive maintenance and/or early system failure.


Tune up your HVAC equipment yearly

Just as a tune-up for your car can improve your gas mileage, a yearly tune-up of your heating and cooling system can improve efficiency and comfort. Click here for Planned Maintenance Information.


Click Here to see more tips……




FREE hot water? Check out Geothermal heating and cooling systems!


Check out our sister company website:


Also, ‘Like’ our Geothermal Facebook page or follow Geothermal on Twitter for the latest information about geothermal and going green!!!



Technician’s Tip


Have your heat pump serviced annually or as the manufacturer recommends, which should also include cleaning the fan in the blower.



In This Issue
Improve the Efficiency of Your Air Conditioner
Geothermal Solutions
Technician’s Tip
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Savings – Coupon



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Thank you for allowing us to provide you with information that will help you save money and make your home more efficient. We also appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future.


Be sure to check out the coupon at the bottom of the email. Feel free to forward this email to your friends and family.

Stuart Pro Air Services

5267 Palmero Court

Buford, Georgia 30518


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