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Senior Housing: What You Should Know



Did you know, The Fair Housing Act (FHAct) protects all citizens from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, handicap or familial status (families with children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal guardians; pregnant women and people trying to get custody of children under 18).

Tamra Wade the team leader of Tamra Wade & Partners in 2007 became a certified aging in place specialist.




National Aging in Place Council What is Aging in Place?

Aging in Place is your senior support network. We are a collaborative group of professional service providers who are thinking about your future and your happiness.

There may come a point when you need to move into a home that better accommodates your needs and abilities. Perhaps a smaller home that does not require walking up steps, or a home that has been especially modified for senior living. The following members of our senior support network can help you find the right type of housing.


There is even an Atlanta chapter . This provides you with local newsletters and updates about whats going on around you.

Moving can be really difficult after collecting years of sentimental belongings and furniture. My Move has some great tips and resources for moving years of collections.

A Senior Citizen’s Guide to Moving



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