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Seasonal Calendar for August Plants

Seasonal Calendar a“ August

FIRST WEEK: Water figs deeply now as they begin to ripen. Harvest every morning,  before the birds can do their damage. More details: Growing Figs in Georgia

The soil in outdoor clay  pots dries out quickly. Poke holes in it with a pencil to make sure  water saturates the soil when you tend your plants.

If youa™ve been troubled by aœwormsa in your pecans in years past, you have pecan weevils. Now is the time to start control. see Pecan Weevil

The best way  to control snakes is to remove their habitat. Move log piles, leaf  piles and rock piles to the edge of your yard, away from the house. More details: Snake Control

Prune tropical hibiscus plants you plan to bring indoors. Reduce them  to a size that will fit in front of your sunniest window in December.  More details: Hibiscus Identification

Remove faded crape myrtle blooms and dry seed clusters now. With a  little water and fertilizer, you may get more blooms in September.  More details: Crapemyrtle Culture

SECOND WEEK: Collect seeds from hosta, iris and blackberry lily to save for planting  next spring.

To prevent ants from coming indoors, spread  insecticide granules in a band 24 inches wide around the foundation of  your house. Use ant bait traps near entrance doors.

Bermuda or  zoysia grass encroaching in your fescue lawn? Spray it with glyphosate  (Roundup) now and again in September before you plant fescue this fall.

If you had tremendous numbers of Japanese beetles, you might get some  control next year by poisoning the grubs. Now is the best time to do it;  remember to water heavily after the insecticide application.

Fertilize roses with 1 tablespoon of 10-10-10 per foot of height now to  stimulate some new growth. As the weather cools, youa™ll get roses for  the fall.

THIRD WEEK: Look on the ground around your blackberry and raspberry plants. The  canes snaking across the ground should be tied back on their wire arbor.

How long has it been since your lawnmower blade was sharpened? It  should be done once each summer to avoid shredding the grass instead of  cutting it cleanly.

Cut back faded annual flowers by half, then  water and lightly fertilize with liquid 20-20-20 or equivalent. A  second season of blooms will begin to appear in two weeks.

Water  big trees. Apply at least 15 gallons per inch of trunk thickness each  week.

Plant fall blooming bulbs like colchicum, fall crocus and  sternbergia.

FOURTH WEEK: Watch for the red or yellow, spider-like flowers of spider lily, also  called surprise lily a“ because the foliage is nowhere to be seen when it  blooms.

Make a slug trap from a small board raised an inch off  the ground by small stones. Check it at noon and scrape the slimy  crawlers into a bucket of soapy water

Wrap cheesecloth around  sunflower heads to keep the birds away. The head is ready to harvest  when the back has turned from green to brown.

Pull English ivy  out of your trees. The leaves act like a sail in a thunderstorm a“ you  dona™t want that tree to navigate onto your roof!

Ita™s easy to  see the big webs of fall webworm in your trees. If you can reach it with  a stick, wrap and destroy the webbing to expose worms to the elements.

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