111,285 Reasons You Should Buy a Home This Year

  The financial benefits of buying a home versus renting one are always up for debate. However, one element of the equation is often ignored – the ability to build wealth as a homeowner. According to the latest research from the National Association of Realtors (NAR): “Homeownership is a key pathway to building wealth and narrowing the racial income and wealth inequality gap. Housing wealth (equity) accumulation takes time and is built up by price appreciation and paying off the...

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What Do Supply and Demand Tell Us About Today’s Housing Market?

  There’s a well-known economic theory – the law of supply and demand – that explains what’s happening with prices in the current real estate market. Put simply, when demand for an item is high, prices rise. When the supply of the item increases, prices fall. Of course, when demand is very high and supply is very low, prices can rise significantly. Understanding the impact both supply and demand have can provide the answers to a few popular questions...

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The Main Key To Understanding the Rise in Mortgage Rates

  Every Thursday, Freddie Mac releases the results of their Primary Mortgage Market Survey which reveals the most recent movement in the 30-year fixed mortgage rate. Last week, the rate was announced as 3.01%. It was the first time in three months that the mortgage rate surpassed 3%. In a press release accompanying the survey, Sam Khater, Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, explains: “Mortgage rates rose across all loan types this week as the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield reached its highest point...

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As Home Equity Rises, So Does Your Wealth

Homeownership is still a crucial part of the American dream. For those people who own a home (and those looking to buy one), it’s clear that being a homeowner has considerable benefits both emotionally and financially. In addition to long-term stability, buying a home is one of the best ways to increase your net worth. This boost to your wealth comes in the form of equity. Equity is the difference between what you owe on the home and its market value based...

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Two Reasons Why Waiting a Year To Buy Could Cost You

  If you’re a renter with a desire to become a homeowner, or a homeowner who’s decided your current house no longer fits your needs, you may be hoping that waiting a year might mean better market conditions to purchase a home. To determine if you should buy now or wait, you need to ask yourself two simple questions: What will home prices be like in 2022? Where will mortgage rates be by the end...

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Is a 20% Down Payment Really Necessary To Purchase a Home?

  There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down payment. In fact, a recent survey by Lending Tree asks what is keeping consumers from purchasing a home. For over half of those surveyed, the ability to afford a down payment is the biggest hurdle. That may be because those individuals assume a 20% down payment is necessary. While putting more money down if you’re...

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Is It Time To Move on to a New Home?

  If you’ve been in your home for longer than five years, you’re not alone. According to recent data from First American, homeowners are staying put much longer than historical averages (see graph below):As the graph shows, before 2008, homeowners sold their houses after an average of just five years. Today, that number has more than doubled to over 10 years. The housing industry refers to this as your tenure. To really explore tenure, it’s important to understand what drives...

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Fun Things to Do this Fall in McDonough Georgia

Fall is finally here and we are so excited to celebrate. From pumpkin spice lattes to tailgating for the big game, there are so many fall activities. Are you looking for ideas of what you and your family can do this autumn in McDonough Georgia? Here are some of our favorites. Southern Belle Farm   Spend the day out on the farm. Southern Belle Farm has something to offer everyone in the family. Get lost...

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Real Estate: It’s Still a Lack of Supply, Not a Lack of Demand

  One of the major questions real estate experts are asking today is whether prospective homebuyers still believe purchasing a home makes sense. Some claim rapidly rising home prices are impacting demand and, by extension, leading to the recent slowdown in sales activity. However, demand isn’t the real issue. Instead, it’s the lack of supply (homes available for sale). An article from the Wall Street Journal shows this is true for new home construction: “Home builders have...

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Looking for a Place To Call Home? Consider a Condominium.

  It’s no secret that one of the top stories in today’s real estate market is low housing supply and high buyer demand. If you’re a first-time buyer looking for a starter home or are someone who’s interested in downsizing, it may be worth considering a condominium (condo) as a worthwhile option. In fact, trends indicate condos are gaining popularity among buyers. In the latest Existing Homes Sales Report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the data shows condo sales rising throughout...

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