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Ho! Ho! Ho!

December rings in one of the most joyful times of the year. The current year coming to a close, celebration of Christmas and other Holiday Celebrations, all mean different things to different people, but most always represent JOY!!! If you look around, you will notice a giving spirit exists unlike at other times of the year.

Unfortunately many home owners wanting to really enjoy this Holiday season are less than enthusiastic becase they feel trapped. They are desprate to exit their current home and give themselves a big Christmas Gift – a NEW place to call home. Here’s where you and I can HELP!!!

As a result of working with over 5,000 families over a 12 year time span and though a documented recession, I have developed special programs to quickly get an acceptable offer on any home. So we are giving Home Owners wanting to make a move a very special gift this holiday season.

For Home Owners in Distress:

For the month of December, I am offering a FREE Short Sale Consultation. I understand homeowners today have more questions than answers about their circumstances. It is important to understand the possible solutions to foreclosure. The idea of losing your home can be overwhelming, it is vital for you to have all the facts necessary to make an informed decision. This site,, was created for you to learn more about your short sale option to avoided foreclosure and discover if it is the best course of action for you.


If you are looking to Sell:

For the month of December, we will guarantee, in writing, the sell of an area home in 120 days at a price acceptable to the home owner. In the event there is no sell, we’ll pay the homeowner $1000.00*

*Me and the homeowner just need to agree on price. We do that starting with a simple, FREE consultation.

This is where you can help!!

If you or anyone you know is considering making a move, we would like to offer them a FREE No Obligation to Move Sell for Top Dollar Consulation. On this call, we’ll discuss just how they can make their move, get what they want and do it with the least hassle. AND while we are on the phone, I will instantly send over a FREE Special Report titled “Costly Home Seller Mistakes to Avoid When Selling During the Holiday Season.”

Just like we are thankful for you and your business. I am Confident your referrals will be thanking you for steering them in the right direction on getting their home sold!!!

*A GREAT Guarentee: Sold in 120 Days or I pay a $1000.00 Cash Penalty!!!

*A FREE Consultation to Discuss What Price can Be Expected

*A FREE Special Report that details Mistakes to Avoid When Selling in Today’s Market

*A FREE Short Sale Consultation

AND remember, YOUR referrals help the kids…

Any one you kow considering making a move, wanting to buy or sell their home, please refer them to me with out hesitation or delay! It’s very easy for you to do that and on top of the great services outline above, your referrals will help the kids at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta!!!

We are on a mission to raise $10,000.00 for Children’s Health Care of Atlanta!! They do great work in helping kids struggle to recover from debilitating diseases. They depend on donations and givers to fund worth while projects. These kids who are suffering and are made better quicker thanks to Children’s Recovery Center – but that recovery center requires money to operate and continue. So we are donating $250.00 of your income on every referral we receive this year to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta so the kids in their care can continue to recover from these horrible diseases and grow up to experience life to the fullest.

It’s easy to refer your friends, neithbors, associates or family members considering making a move and I hope you will take just a few minutes to consider who you know wanting to make a move in near future. Simple go to and go to contact us. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 678-638-9268.


I hope that you and your family are well and this special month brings you much JOY and HAPPINESS!!!


With all my appreciation,

Tamra Wade


P.S. Remember we love honoring our past clients like you. Read all about our past clients at under our teams testimonials.

P.S.S. Friend us on FACEBOOK and follow us on TWITTER!!!!/TamraWadeandPartners!/twadenpartners




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