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Go Green With Your Spring Cleaning

Going green is all the rage, but above all else, it just makes sense. Using heavy-duty chemical cleaners fills your home with indoor air pollution. This spring, become more ec0-conscious and improve the air quality in your home as well as the environment by making simple changes to your cleaning routine.

Open the windows. Take advantage of this cool Georgia weather while eliminating the dirty air circulating in your house.
Clean with vinegar. The acidic product can be used as your primary cleaning product. Naturea™s cleaning miracle works extremely well and can be used to clean just about anything.
Use vegetable-based products. If using straight vinegar is a little too green for you, chose to purchase vegetable-based cleaning products. The vegetable-based cleaners will reduce home air pollution as opposed to the cleaners full of heavy chemicals and other toxins.
Avoid using bleach. Besides the fact that bleach (and other cleaners that contain chlorine) burns the skin and the eyes and can be fatal if swallowed, it becomes toxic to the natural world when sent down the drain.
Use rags and sponges. Reduce the amount of waste you create by using paper towels. Think of how many paper towels you use when cleaning. Now imagine everyone doing that. That’s a lot of waste that a reusable rag could easily replace. 

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