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Conservation Myths That Will Save You Money!!!

Myth 1: Programmable Thermostats save you Money:


Well, they do, but only if you program them to do so. Many people mistakenly believe that these computer-chip, electronic devices will automatically set themselves to operate in the most energy-efficient way. But they don’t. You have to program them so that they stop your ducted air conditioning coming on when it isn’t really needed – at night or when you’re at work or on holiday. So read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and learn how to set your thermostat to suit your particular needs – lowering it by just 1 degree can reduce your bill by up to 15 percent.










Myth 2: Fans Cool a Room:

Fans do not actually cool the air in a room, they cool the people in the room by creating a wind-chill effect on their skin. So there is no point leaving a fan on when you’re no longer in a room. Instead, treat it like a light and turn it of when you leave the room. Otherwise, you will just be wasting electricity and running up a large bill.












Myth 3: Computer Screen-savers Save Energy:

All a screen-saver does is prolong the life of your monitor by displaying a moving image while you are not using your computer, as any fixed image left on would eventually “burn” itself into the scree, ruining it. Screen-savers do nothing whatsoever to save electricity – in fact, they burn up quite a lot. If you want to save energy, without turning your computer off, check if it has a special energy-saving mode: go to your operating system’s control panel or preferences and explore the power-management options available.














Myth 4: Stand-By Costs Less Than Turning On and Off:

This is certainly not true. Leaving a machine constantly in stand-by mode consumes a surprisingly large amount of electricity. If you want to save energy – and money – you should always turn you computer off at night or when you will be away form it for a long period of time. Remember also to switch off other computer hardware, such as scanners, printers and external hard drives and speakers at the mains. If they are powered via a plugged-in transformer that will remain on even when the power button on the appliance has been switched off.

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