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Can Landscaping My Yard Help Sell My Home?

Landscaping can make a difference in selling your home. Many homeowners focus too much on improving their interiors and overlook the fact that it is their front yard that creates the essential first impression. A well-landscaped lawn can make the difference in a potential buyer

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Simple repairs to help your home show better and sell faster

  When a buyer comes into your home, they can be very fussy about small things. If you want to help your home show better and sell faster, follow these simple repairs.   Kitchen

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Pest Control

Every year termites swarm across the U.S. looking for places to establish new colonies. It takes just two of these young winged termites to start a colony and takes an opening of just 1/64th of an inch for them to get into a home. That's why every year 1 U.S. home in 30 is infested.   This tool is great it shows you what to look out for and the hiding places that one may...

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